L’Approccio Educativo di Cometa. Un Rapporto sulla Scuola Oliver Twist

Lo scorso 20 febbraio 2018, Cometa Formazione e Cometa Research hanno organizzato la conferenza “L’approccio educativo di Cometa. Rapporto sulla Scuola Oliver Twist”. Nel corso della conferenza è stato presentato ufficialmente il rapporto promosso da Fondazione Agnelli e curato da Gaia Banzi (Università di Milano Bicocca) con la supervisione scientifica di Susanna Mantovani (Università di Milano Bicocca) sulla originalità pedagogica e la trasferibilità dell’approccio di Cometa. Tra i relatori, hanno partecipato Shyamal Majumdar (Direttore di UNESCO-UNEVOC) e Mariavittoria Garlappi (ETF Foundation).  

Condividiamo le conclusioni del rapporto in questo blog. La versione completa in italiano e inglese è disponibile a questo link.

The Pedagogic Function of Reality in Progressive Vocational Education: the Case of Cometa Formazione

In May 2017 I had the privilege to be a guest of Cometa Formazione in Como, Italy. I learned that this organization employs a set of philosophical, pedagogical and educational design principles which makes it quite unique in the world of vocational education within the European Union and beyond. Started as a fostering association of a group of families, it evolved in an organization for vocational education for both foster and regular students. Beauty is seen as an essential driver of respect and attraction, which influences behaviour and learning. The set of principles on which the practices of Cometa Formazione are based will be shortly described below. The principles go very well together with notions of progressive education, which is an educational philosophy developed by Dewey. He stated that discovery learning and applying acquired knowledge to the world around children was the right pedagogical approach for all education. Experiential learning thus became an essential ingredient of progressive education.