Tutoring: Personal Level of the Educational Plan 

1.1. Synthetic description of the practice 

The educational tutor is responsible for accompanying the training and educational pathway of the class group and of each individual student through a customised pathway. The tutor builds a “customised” pathway through observation, educational relations, vocational guidance, activities and projects aimed at achieving the educational success and excellence of each student and class group, the latter being understood as both a recipient and an educational resource. 

Real Project Work 

1.1. Synthetic description of the practice 

Real project work consists of an order, requested by a real client, given by principal to an entire class, to be developed within the school year and inherent in the specific direction of the education / training course. All the students are involved, with a view of inclusion that includes common steps but also a differentiation and division of work; it is divided into phases which are divided into specific activities. The purpose of the Real project work is twofold: on the one hand it is an opportunity for learning and expression of specific sector and direction skills in a real context, on the other hand it constitutes motivation and a synthetic point of conceptual link between the apprenticeships and the real world. 

Work-based Learning Program for Migrants

1.1. Synthetic description of the practice

The work-based learning program is a course that trains young migrants through a cultural and professionalizing course; the aim is a holistic development of each student, which translates into a positive insertion into society and the labour market. The practice is managed by a coordinator and by tutors and trainers, who interface with local companies.